
lead incense

26 Aug: The Scent of Wellbeing

The word Incense is derived from the Latin word ‘incensum’ meaning ‘that which is burnt’ and refers to biotic substances made from flowers, resins, gum, herbs, spices, etc., often combined with essential oils, which release fragrance when they are burned

24 Jun: 5 Yoga Mudras for Daily Wellbeing

In the Vedic understanding of the human body, it is believed that our prana (life force) flows through the nadis (energy channels) in our body. There are said to be 72,000 nadis in our body, of which three – Ida, Pingala and Sushumna – are the most dominant

05 Jun: Sandalwood: Oil of Purification & Spiritual Peace

Long before I qualified as an aromatherapist and became the resident Aromatherapy consultant at Paro New Delhi, I took a personal trip to Southern India and travelled through Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka in search of the rare and expensive liquid gold better known in these parts as Sandalwood